Saturday, August 05, 2006

Super-Speedy Fast

Remember last year when the movie "The Incredibles" was released? The boys absolutely love that movie (they STILL love that movie). Simi identified himself with Dash, the boy super who ran "super-speedy fast". Asher identified himself with the baby Jack-Jack, who has quite a few super capabilities. When talking about Dash and Jack-Jack, Simi would run around the house saying that he was "super-speedy fast". "Yes, Simi", we replied, " You sure are super-speedy fast." Simi soaked it all in.

I'm not sure if it's because he really thinks he's fast or if because, by nature, he is fast, but Simi sure is fast. He can out-run everyone on his soccer team. He can really move down the field, even while wearing sandals.

I say, "Simi, you sure are fast". "Yes, mommy.", comes his reply. "I'm super-speedy fast".

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