Sunday, August 06, 2006

Leila at Six Months

Leila just celebrated her six month birthday. That means another trip to the doctor for some shots and a weigh and measure.

Here are her stats, for those keeping score:
length: 26+ inches
weight: 20 lbs. 3 oz.

That puts her firmly in the 50Th percentile for height and over the 100th % weight. She's a fat girl, just like her mum.

Developmentally, she's doing great. She sits by herself nicely, despite having to haul up so much weight. She's doing everything she's supposed to be doing at her age, plus a few things she's supposed to be doing in later months. So, it's all good.

While it's still too soon to see her personality, little bits of it are coming out. When she smiles, her entire face lights up. It's beautiful. She's a happy girl. Sometimes she's very laid back, and sometimes she just REALLY wants things HER way and no other way will do and heaven help anyone who stands in her way. She's also very determined. When she drops a toy, she does everything she can to get it back.

Every time she screams and screams and screams because she wants things HER way, I remind myself that this really is a good trait that will be to her advantage as she grows up. Heaven help me....

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