Friday, August 01, 2008


Usually a lack of posts is a bad thing. In the case of the past two weeks, it simply means that there was nothing to say. Until now.

Yesterday, we met with the integrative medicine doctor to review Asher's blood, urine, and stool test results. To summarize: Asher has a huge amount of the MRSA bacteria in his gut and it's causing damage.

There are a few other minor issues which can be remedied, but the MRSA, obviously, is the big one. There were 50-60 pages of lab results and the ones that showed issues for Asher all point to the damage by the MRSA bacteria in his gut. If we take care of the MRSA (and, to a lesser extent, the Gamma Strep bacteria, which we can kill with the same antibiotic that we use for the MRSA), then his gut will heal.

After seeing these results, this is the first time ever in dealing with Asher's EE that I've felt hopeful that we're on the right track. I really and truly feel like we have found the cause - the reason for Asher's EE. I have read tons of medical journal articles which support the belief that harmful bacteria is one of the causes of eosinophilic esophagitis. I strongly suspect that if we can remove the harmful bacteria and help his gut heal, then his allergies will lessen.

The healing will not happen overnight. It's a 30-day regimen of antibiotic to kill the MRSA. We also have to repopulate his gastro-intestinal tract with beneficial bacteria too and create a healthy environment. And the gut heals slowly. But every journey begins with a single step.

We're on our way....

1 comment:

Julie said...

I've never even heard of MRSA residing in a gut like that. That's crazy!!! I'm glad it was caught as this sucker can do some MAJOR damage and doesn't generally stay localized for long. Not that it hasn't been doing damage to his gut, but from my experience with this stuff it doesn't just lie around in one place for long and it is fast and agressive. It also tends to be highly contagious. I know there are several different types though and perhaps Asher has a different strand than I am familiar with. But MRSA is the staph infection that landed me in the hospital last August while on vacation. It is generally treated with specific high dose antibiotics and steroids. I was on antibiotics for 45 days, the first 5 being intravenous at super high doses. They completely wiped my immune system. Not something you want to hear for Asher I'm sure! I finally started feeling somewhat normal again around April.... about 8 months post diagnosis. I'm still not 100% sure that a year later I'm fully bounced back from it, but being pregnant makes it difficult to know for sure! LOL My prayers are with your sweet little man. What a blessing if this monster has been the culprit behind all his problems and has finally been identified. Still, it is very scary stuff! Take care of yourself and your beautiful family.