Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Introducing Petita

Two year-old Leila is a great big personality in a teeny tiny little pint-size body. She's under the 25th percentile in height for her age group and 95 percentile in weight. But what she lacks in size, she more than makes up for in attitude. In reaction to something, she crinkles up her little nose and says, "I don't like it", with such gusto and spirit that you truly believe her and back away.

As you know, we used to call her "Leili", which is short for "Leilita". In pure Leila form, she replied, "I NOT Leili, I'm Leila!!!". OK, then.

So imagine our surprise when, the other day, Leila announces that her name is "Petita".

"I NOT Leila", Leila says, with her nose all crinkled up. "I Petita." OK, Petita, eat your breakfast, please.

Petita toddles off after her brothers, following them in whatever they do. Jumping into the trampoline pit - no problem for Petita. Running after and kicking a soccer ball - sounds good. Making your hand in the shape of a gun and chasing your brothers around the house while making shooting sounds at them - that too.

Then there's the sweet side of Petita, where she hugs her baby doll as she drags her across the room. Or when she goes into her pretend kitchen and fixes you a meal and toddles sweetly over to you and hands you the plate full of pretend "eggies and pasta" or an empty cup of tea.

I can't wait to see what name she chooses next.

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