Friday, June 06, 2008

The First Grader

Simi is - officially - no longer a kindergartner. Today was his last day in the kindergarten class. He officially joins the first grade class when he returns to school.

Simi ended the year reading at a level 30. I think that's a third grade level. The expectation is that children finish kindergarten reading at a level 4. Shucks, he STARTED the year reading at a level 14!

He has been doing first grade math all year. Simi's teacher tells us that during math time, Simi will always create math equations where he has to subtract. I think he's already mastered addition and likes the challenge that something new, like subtraction, brings.

To celebrate, Simi and Asher got to go play at Monkey Joe's. They had an absolute blast.

My baby is growing up WAY too fast. Pretty soon, he'll be moving off to college. Sob....

1 comment:

Duchess said...

Congrats! Bittersweet, isn't it?