Friday, June 20, 2008


For the third continous week, Asher's energy level and health remains GREAT. I'm on cloud 9! Something as simple as my child's good health makes me the happiest person on the planet. Woo hoo!

As Asher's energy level soars, so does his naughtiness. I guess that's to be expected. It's nice to have "normal" problems for a change.

Asher still struggles with cognitive stuff. It is my hope that as we balance his body nutritionally, this part, too, will improve. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, Leila is doing great in her potty training. She's got a lot of personality, that one. And Simi is having a ton of fun at science camp (in the morning) and native american indian pottery (in the afternoon). At science camp, they are exploding mentos in Coke, creating paste using corn starch and water, and making pennies rust with vinegar. It sounds very messy. He loves it. In pottery camp, they are making clay pots, clay snakes, and weaving baskets. I ask him which of the two camps he likes best. He likes both equally. Cool.

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