Monday, May 21, 2007

Rice - Day Five

Asher has been eating rice for five days now. Today is the dreaded day five on the rice trial.

I hate day five. It's always on day five that we see a food failure.

Days one and two are the honeymoon phase. It is when Asher is really enjoying his new food, happily eating away. Beginning around day three, I look at Asher and he seems so healthy, so energetic and happy and, well, healthy, so I think we're doing well. Then around day four, he's still doing great - very healthy and energetic and it feels like we're in the home stretch - just rounding the bend and heading for the finish line. Then, along comes day five and - bam! - Asher becomes sick as a dawg. I hate day five. It's really tough to see your child become so sick. It's even tougher when I realise that I caused it by allowing my child to eat something to which he is allergic. That's day five.

Today is day five on the rice trial. The dreaded day five. I've been worried about this day - concerned about how sick Asher is going to feel after eating rice for five days. He's been eating A LOT of rice!

Here it is, the end of day five, and Asher's still acting healthy and happy and not complaining or feeling sick.

All food trials last two weeks, so we still have a way to go before the end of the rice trial. But it's nice to know that day five is behind us.

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