Sunday, July 09, 2006

T-ball Season

In the summertime, t-ball takes over our Saturday mornings. Personally, I'm not a fan of t-ball. It's hot, even at 9-10 AM when they play, and the kids get bored while standing around waiting for their turn. I get bored, too, waiting and waiting. And t-ball season seems to drag on forever.

But t-ball was really fun this week.

The weather was absolutely perfect. It was in the low to mid-80s and very comfortable. And everyone was in a good mood.

Simi had a wonderful time hitting the ball, running the bases, catching the ball, and throwing it. While Simi was on the field with his team, I was on the side playing catch with Asher. Asher was just loving it. He does a great job throwing the ball. Then I'd lob an easy one into his out-stretched arms and when it fell just right, he beamed his beautiful smile. He was just so incredibly happy. Leila, too, was in a really good mood and played happily in her stroller.

After lunch, the boys went into the backyard to practice their hitting on the t-ball tee. And today, I took Asher to buy his own ball and glove. He was absolutely thrilled. He beamed with pride.

Seeing their happiness makes it all worth it.

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