Monday, July 14, 2008

Scenes From The First Day of School

Observations from Simi's school:

A little boy holding his even littler sister's hand and taking her to her first day of class. He gets near the class and gives her a little push to the door ... then walks away to get to his own class.

A little girl taking her little brother to his first day of school. She gets him to the door of his classroom, kisses the top of his head, then pushes him into the room and walks away to get to her own class.

A mom trying to push a stroller (with an infant in it) and hold the hand of a toddler - in the mad crush of kids and parents - while taking another young 'un to the first day of class.

A little girl carrying a backpack which was bigger and wider than she. By the looks of it, the backpack must have been REALLY heavy.

The gym teacher helping a little girl find her classroom.

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