Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Asher Update

Asher's great energy continues. It's obviously the vitamin supplements we're giving him that's making the difference. I'd never guess that something as simple as a multi-vitamin would make such a major difference.

So now the conundrum we scope or not? According to the protocol set by the specialists, Asher should be scoped every three months because the damage is occurring inside his body and symptoms may not be readily noticed. So, according to these guidelines, Asher needs an endoscopy at July's end. Thing is, it's incredibly invasive and it hurts Asher and there is evidence that general anesthesia damages the mitochondria. Seems to me like after every scope, it takes Asher at least a week to recover.

The doctor at Duke suggests we not scope unless symptoms suggest it. But how do we know the culprit unless we scope? How do we know if all the vitamins and supplements and additional food are true passes unless we scope? What if damage is occurring and we don't see the symptoms? we scope...or not?

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