Friday, May 16, 2008

La Leilita and Her Food

It's no secret that Leila loves her food. After her tonsilectomy, she gained six pounds in a mere two months. I honestly have never seen a child eat as much as she did in the two-three months after her tonsilectomy.

Before her tonsilectomy, I felt like those huge marbles were getting in the way of her eating; that concern was confirmed by her post-surgery gorging. Leila hadn't gained a pound, between ages 1 and 2, but she gained six pounds in the two months post tonsilectomy. WOW!!!

Leila also loves to cook in her pretend kitchen. She cooks up all sorts of things and delivers it to each one of us. She "cooks" eggies and pasta for Simi because that's his favorite dish. She "cooks" pork for Asher. She "cooks" all sorts of things for me. And she always brings me "tea" with my meal. She's very busy in her kitchen.

Now that Leila has recovered from her tonsilectomy, we've stopped giving her Flovent and have been preparing to submit her for an endoscopy with the thought that she might have the same disease as Asher. Now, that thought isn't so certain. She's been doing great ever since her tonsils have been removed.

Now we've been adding in all sorts of allergenic "Asher poisons", like wheat, eggs, and fish, into Leila's diet. Leila isn't certain what to make of the new foods - she just looks at it like, "what is this?".

While Leila is a bit perplexed on her new change of diet, Asher is - most definitely - very unhappy about it. I think he felt like, with Leila sharing his diet, he wasn't singled out. Now, he very much is singled out. It is difficult to upset my easy-going Asher, but this change in Leila's diet certainly has him upset. We add insult to injury by making Asher drink some nasty-tasting vitamin supplements twice a day. This kid just can't get a break.

Leila, when she gets mad, makes a "mean" face. Good golly, this girl gets MAD! Naturally, we all laugh at her when she gets all huffy. We point to her face -- all scrunched up -- and say, "Leila has her angry eyes on."

The other day, Leila and Asher were quibbling and Leila said to Asher, "Asher, I have my angry eyes on." All of us just fell over with laughter.

That's my girl.

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