Friday, May 23, 2008

Back to Square 1 Again

Last night was Simi's gymnastics "Last Class Blast". All three children were really looking forward to it. Similar to Asher's day, Simi's class did a small display of skills, received their award, had an opportunity to eat food, then got an hour of open play in the gym.

This time, Simi chose to play with his kindergarten friends rather than hang with us. So, off he went.

Leila watched the other girls and started to imitate their moves. It was amazing how quickly she picked up the moves! She and Asher took turns on the tumble track and she did a GREAT job jumping on the track then jumping into the pit. She had an absolutely wonderful night.

The clumsy uncoordinated Asher returned. Unlike Tuesday, Asher couldn't balance on the beam by himself, couldn't maneuver through the pit, and couldn't pick up his knees while bouncing on the trampoline. Why the change?

I started wondering if perhaps I imagined that coordinated Asher showed himself on Tuesday. Was it a dream? I'm sure it happened. The question is, why was Asher so different from one day to the next? Why the change?

On a different yet possibly related note, we had to discontinue the DMG supplement (beginning yesterday). Asher had explosive watery stool for the past week. Yesterday, his asthma kicked in. Asher's asthma is an allergic reaction. Obviously, when it becomes a choice between breathing or continuing a supplement, the breathing always wins.

So now gymnastics is over for the summer. We all said our good-byes to our gym friends and made plans on day/time schedules so that we can see them again in the fall.

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