Monday, December 10, 2007

Simi Update

Simi is in a K/1 combination class, where 9 of the children in the class are in kindergarten and the remaining 10 are in first grade. This is an ideal classroom for Simi and I was thrilled at the thought that he would be in this room for two years - through both kindergarten and first grade.

From day one, Simi has been working with the first graders. So it was no surprise when he brought home his first report card and it showed he was working above grade level in every item. The lowest "grade" he received was a "satisfactory" in music and art classes. I can't remember what he got in Physical Education (gym class); perhaps he got a satisfactory in that too.

About a month ago, I had my first parent-teacher conference with Simi's teacher. Ms. Teacher and I sat down and she began to describe how she tested Simi in his reading and math skills. Her description of the evaluation seemed very logical and thorough and fair. Turns out that Simi is reading on a mid-second grade level (level 24?). He has surpassed all the books in the room, so she had to go to the 2nd grade classes to get some books for him to read. So now, for homework, the kid brings home a 2nd grade level book, along with corresponding questions to answer and reports to write. Right now, my kindergartener is reading about Abraham Lincoln.

Next, Ms. Teacher dropped the bomb: if Simi were to stay in her room next year, it would be a complete review for him. He would be bored and may become a behavioural problem in the classroom. She recommends that he go into a different first grade classroom - of this one particular teacher who takes a project-oriented approach. The school year is divided into quarters. In one quarter, for example, they will look at chicken eggs and watch them hatch and grow. Then everything they do revolves around that project. They'll do reading about chickens and eggs, math about the number of chickens, eggs, etc. And so on. And they do it on their own level.

I asked Ms. Teacher about having him tested so that perhaps he could just go straight into second grade; she didn't recommend that. Simi is slightly built, skinnier than a toothpick, and cries at the slightest thing. She said that as children get older, they get meaner and it would be better emotionally and socially if Simi were to stay in first grade next year.

So, I'm a bit nervous about all of this. I don't like the idea of him "repeating" first grade, particularly since he is already working on a second grade level. I can only imagine how boring it would be for him. On the other hand, staying with his age group is a good thing. Is it possible they could challenge him enough to stay engaged in school?

Then, on Friday, I took him to his first gym class. I signed him up for the Kindergartener class because, well, he's a kindergartener. The next level up is the first-6th grade boy level. After the class, the teacher comes up to me and tells me that he's already ready for the next level. Sigh....

So...if you have any suggestions on what to do for this kid for next year, please let us know.

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