Thursday, December 06, 2007

Happy Chanukah

Chanukah snuck up on the HinJew household this year. Luckily, we realised it was the holiday BEFORE it actually began - phew! We've been lighting the candles and reading the story of Chanukah each night. The boys are crazy about the dreidle game.

Now, if someone could suggest a good way to explain G-d to the children. Good golly, that's a difficult one!

Like the good HinJews we are, the children get one present for Chanukah, and then Santa puts the rest under the Christmas tree. Many years ago, some friends of ours from Boston turned us onto the holiday Hess vehicles. These things are the best toys around; our children just love them. This year, the Hess Monster Truck was the Chanukah present - for all three children. Simi proclaimed it was the best pressie - EVER! Leila had a great big smile on her face as she vroomed her truck around the kitchen. Asher was equally happy playing with his.

Hopefully soon we'll get a chance to buy and decorate the Christmas tree...

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