Wednesday, June 27, 2007

We Interrupt This Blog Post With An Important Announcement....

Today is Day 5 of the bacon trial. You know what Day 5 means. In other words, today is the dreaded Day 5. Day 5 always worries me. If we can make it through Day 5, then I think we're in a good place. All days leading up to Day 5 make me nervous. They give me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I think, am I going to feed my child something which will make him sick? And when he gets sick, he gets really sick. Am I really going to do this to my child?

But here it is, Day 5 of the bacon trial. The day I've been dreading ... and it's here.

Asher's pre-school teacher tells us that Asher is the envy of the school. They heat up his bacon before they serve it to him and the smell wafts through the entire lunch room. All the children perk up and ask for bacon. The teachers want bacon too. Asher gets to be the envy of everyone in the cafeteria. I bet they'll be thrilled when he starts eating cauliflower.

Now it's the end of Day 5. Day 5 is nearly behind us and we've seen no negative side effects.

Soon it will be Day 6 and a feeling of being on the other side of Day 5...and I can begin to breathe a sigh of relief.....

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