Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summertime Fun

In addition to updates on Asher's food trials, here's an update on the rest of the family....

We're in the midst of a manic summer. We have full-time jobs/pre-school, then drive immediately from there to SWIM CLASS. We get home at 8 PM, just in time to go to bed, sleep, then do it all over again the next day.

Friday is our day off from swim class. On Fridays, we spend a short amount of time on the putting green before going home for dinner.

On Saturdays we have t-ball. Asher has his own team this year (the white tigers). Simi is now in the 5-6 year old division, on the blue dragon team. And since this is Raj's and my third year as t-ball parents, I signed us up as assistant coaches. I'm the assistant coach for Asher's team and Raj is the assistant coach for Simi's team. My thought was that the assistant coach just follows the lead of the head coach and as parents, we're fully involved any way, so it won't be any different than just being a regular parent, right? I couldn't have been more wrong!

Asher and I got to our field on Saturday and learned that there is no head coach for Asher's team. Instead, there are three assistant coaches and we're all equally clueless. Somehow, we managed to lead the children into forming groups of two and catching/throwing to each other, then going for batting practice and running the bases. Then my fellow assistant coaches informed me that they won't be at practice next week -- and wished me good luck. It's going to be a long season....

Saturday afternoon we took a family field trip to the local pet store to buy some more fish for the aquarium. Leila, all of 17 months old, has lately decided that she no longer needs help doing anything. She'll feed herself now, thank you very much. She'll walk on her own too, and don't even think about carrying her. So following after her brothers, she toddled on into the store and we made our way over to the lizard and geckos and dragons and other slimy creatures. Then we ogled the hamsters and guinea pigs and gerbils, then we moseyed over to the birds and watched them for awhile. The children had a wonderful time. After we were done playing with all those creatures, we made our way over to the fish, selected four goldfish, and made our way home. Leila toddled around the store the entire time like she was a teeny tiny little grown-up. My sweet, feisty, independent baby....

Sunday, (today), we all needed a good sleep in. Boy did it feel great! And we let the boys lounge around, watch tv, and play with their tinker toys - something they haven't gotten to do all week long! Leila got to vroom her cars all around the house.... was off to the golf course for some practise on the driving range and putting green. We all loved it and had a wonderful time. And now we get to do it all again beginning tomorrow....

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