Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Halloween 2006

And now he's five. Today is Simi's birthday. The four days of birthday celebration ended today.

The boys got to wear their Halloween costumes to school today. Asher was so excited, he tried to wear his costume to bed. He was Spiderman today. Simi was also excited and couldn't wait to be Batman. Their school hosted a Halloween parade, which was more for the parents than anything else, I think. The children paraded around the circle in front of the building in their adorable costumes while the parents watched, cheered, and took video clips and photos. After the parade, we went inside and did some trick-or-treating and had a party.

Asher's room was particularly sensitive to Asher's allergies. For the trick-or-treating, each parent brought in one small treat for each child in the room. I brought in "Asher-safe" candy and each parent who gave candy (some gave non-edible treats, such as glow-lights or pencils), was given an "Asher-safe" candy to give to Asher. Asher had absolutely no idea that he was getting something different than the rest of his class. It was his first real trick-or-treat experience and he was thrilled.

Raj and I showed up at the end of the boys' lunch to celebrate Simi's birthday with song and cookies. Asher joined Simi's table and shared in the festivities. Then, at the end of the day, we went trick-or-treating. The boys looked absolutely adorable dressed in their superheroes outfits and went up and down the block in search of candy. Asher, especially, thought this trick-or-treating thing was a great idea. Simi tried telling the folks giving candy that Asher couldn't have those treats; he was allergic to them. Once home, we exchanged all the toxic candy that Asher collected for some "Asher-safe" stuff. Thankfully, Asher's a good sport about this stuff; Phew!

Then, came the difficult part; getting Asher to remove his Spiderman costume. He wanted to sleep in it.

And now my Simi-boy is officially five years old. Where DOES the time go?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Asher's okay with eating slightly different things. I'd be so self conscious about that it wouldn't even be funny. I am incredibly self conscious. Glad Simi had a better celebration than the party on Sunday. Turning five is a big thing! I wish I could be five again...