Thursday, September 11, 2008

Oil of Oregano

Now that Asher has recovered from his allergic reaction to the Bactrim, it's time to stir things up again. His dragon breath and constant congestion returned once he stopped taking the Bactrim, which indicates that the MRSA has returned. Good golly, it feels sooo good to know what's been causing these two things!

So here's the deal: we have a pretty good clue that the MRSA has returned. We also know that Asher cannot tolerate Bactrim. Our only other antibiotic option is Vancomycin, which can cause permanent kidney damage and/or permanent deafness. Hmmmnnn...

When the lab identified the MRSA, they also did sensitivity tests. That's when they found it sensitive to Bactrim and Vancomycin. They also found it sensitive to some herbal options - about ten of them. I googled each option, read about it, and chose Oregano Oil. I read about some startling antibacterial qualities of oregano oil and decided it to be worth a try. And yes, it's true, I have officially crossed the line to "crazy mum". But perhaps we can find a safe way to get rid of the MRSA.

We're all taking it. And interestingly, after a mere day - one teeny tiny drop of oil - and our congestion is nearly gone. All three of the children were rather congested. Their congestion has diminished considerably. Go figure.

This stuff is tough to take. I'm glad I'm taking it along with the children, because it's incredibly mean to impose on someone. I think the children get a kick out of seeing me hate it just as much as they do. Heck, if it helps Asher, I'd do a whole lot worse than take some icky burning nasty oil.

Information on oregano oil can be found here and here. You can find a million more sites by simply typing in those two words into Google.

So, stay tuned to find out if Oregano Oil helps cure Asher of his MRSA....


Duchess said...

I swear you are about the best mom I have ever known...and I am proud to count you among my friends! I really hope this holistic option kicks the MRSA out of his system for once and for all.

Julie said...

As we're all sitting here battling the flu and lots and lots of congestion this week I was getting excited to read your post and hear that oregano oil may help. Heck, I feel so rotten I'd try almost anything...almost... you had me sold until the "icky burning nasty" part. You go girl! You're a much better mum than I'll ever be! LOL I'd have to say, "Suck it up kid and just take it" without the me participation part! LOL Just kidding.... well, maybe. LOL

Hoping this is the cure to his MRSA. You're becoming quite the herbal and holistic meds expert these days!