Monday, October 15, 2007

Edible Enemies

For those who are interested, a TV show on food allergies will be on the Food Network on October 10th October 19. They say that it will be aired at 10 AM ET/PT. Best to TiVo it, just to make sure you don't miss it.

Now, I haven't yet seen it and the little description doesn't sound all that appealing, but the other Eos. moms who watched it on October 13th said it was useful to help people see a day in our lives. Mentioned something about how there is even a can of Neocate in the background of one of the scenes. Asher drinks the Neocate Jr. chocolate flavor, by the way. Welcome to our world, Food Network! Here is the short description, from the food network site:

"Edible Enemies is a one-hour special report that looks at the mysterious increase in both the number and the severity of food allergies in the United States. 12 million Americans now have food allergies. There is no cure. There is no treatment, other than a shot of epinephrine in an emergency. We will hear from the parents of small children, and from teenagers and adults living with life-threatening food allergies."

OK, so there it is. If you watch it and it's a dud, well then, oh well. We'll both be disappointed.

Interestingly enough, eosinophilic esophagitis was first "discovered" around 35 years ago. Then about 7-9 years ago, cases of it just started "exploding" all over the place. There is a certainty that it's not something that just went unreported. Like autism, there is a genetic factor, but then there is an environmental trigger that makes it appear. The question is, what is that environmental trigger that began 7-9 years ago?

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