Sunday, August 05, 2007

Tiddley Toddler

Leila wants to do EVERYTHING her big brothers do. She follows them everywhere, even when they're in time-out, she toddlers over to them and plays with them. So it's not surprising that when she sees them pee in the potty, she wants to do the same thing. So one day I said, "OK, Leila, do you want to make a pee-pee in the potty too?" Leila responded with a "pee-pee too", and proceeded to pull off her nappy, walk over to the toilet, and stand in front of it just like her big brothers.

So we pulled out the plastic potty and now she knows to sit on it, although she doesn't know that she's supposed to do something other than sit while she's there. But, heck, she's only 18 months old. She'll figure it out in due time.

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